One More Ignorance from Atheists



Origin of the Word of Allah


The word “Allah” is a special name. (Meryem, 65) There is no equal or equivalent to Allah (SWT) (İhlas, 4) and He is free from all kinds of deficiencies (Neml, 8; Haşr, 23; İsra, 1; Yasin, 83). No other being has ever been called by this name, nor will there ever be. Although different words are used in every language to mean the worshiped one, such as ilâh, rab, Tanrı, God, Dieu, all of these names are common nouns. They have plurals, such as the plural of ilâh being “âlihe,” the plural of rab being “erbâb,” and the plural of Tanrı being “tanrılar.” However, there is no plural for the word Allah, and the word “Allahlar” has never been and will never be used. In the world, there are many gods, but the name Allah is unique and special! Ilah-tanrı is a common noun, while Allah is a proper noun. The word Allah has its roots in Arabic, and it expresses a single meaning. (Ibn-i Kayyim, es-Savâiku’l-mürsele, p. 749)


Moon Cult Claims

The summary of the claim is: “Allah, or El-Ilah, is the name of the moon god. The origins of Islamic belief are based on the moon cult.” The atheist faction, who cannot provide any evidence linking the moon god Sin to Allah, and their leader, American Carleton S. Coon (in his work “Southern Arabia”), only tried to establish a connection between Islam and the symbol of the crescent based on the information that there was a moon cult in the past, and he put forward the idea that Allah (El-Ilah) was actually Sin, without providing any sources, only based on imaginary assumptions. However, there is no archaeological evidence from the time of Prophet Muhammad that there was a moon god named Sin or that Sin was used in place of Allah.

Verses such as “The night and the day, the sun and the moon, are His signs. Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon; prostrate to Allah, who created them, if you worship Him.” (Fussilat, 37); “When Abraham saw the moon rising, he said, ‘This is my Lord.’ But when it set, he said, ‘I do not love the things that set.'” (An’am, 77-79); “If you were to ask them, ‘Who created the heavens and the earth and put the sun and the moon in your service?’ they would say, ‘Allah.’ How then are they turned away from the truth?” (29:61) indicate that the Arabs did not recognize Allah as a moon god, but rather recognized Him as the one who governs the moon and the sun, and that Islam commands not to worship any celestial body, including the moon.

Atheists baselessly claim that “Muhammad said he saw the moon split in order to refute the idea of Allah being a moon god.” However, they cannot explain why the name of the moon god was used in the first place and why the belief in the moon god was tried to be eliminated. Furthermore, why would someone who tried to destroy idolatrous beliefs and even their traces name God after an idol? In the articles we will examine the Orientalist claims, we will see more examples of this twisted and contradictory perspective! We will be amazed at how Orientalists, who will claim that the Qur’an is based on quotations from the Bible and the Torah this time, can claim that a religion that does not accept Jesus as God, rejects the Trinity, and does not approve of the crucifixion is formed from the Bible or that the same religion, which rejects racism and the belief in a god specific to one race, is based on the Torah!


If we come to the claim of the moon god, archaeological research shows that the name of the moon god is “Sin”. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the word “Allah” refers to the moon god. Atheists try to prove the Moon cult claims based on the presence of the moon symbol on the domes of mosques. However, the moon symbol was not used as a symbol during the time of the Prophet. It was not used during the time of the first caliphs or the Umayyad period. This symbol was first used by the Turks, and when Alp Arslan conquered Ani in 1064 and converted the cathedral into a mosque, the large cross on the dome was removed and replaced with a large crescent. (Urfalı Mateos Vekayi-nâmesi and Papaz Grigor’s Zeyli, p. 121) And after this, this practice became a tradition in the Islamic community.

The use of the lunar calendar by Muslims is also not related to the Moon cult. Because when Islam came, the lunar calendar was already in use, and Islam used the solar calendar for annual worship and the lunar calendar for daily worship. Islam did not only use the lunar calendar or only use the solar calendar to hide its supposed connection with the moon god.

The name of Allah was already known since the time of the first human, Adam. (Tirmidhi, Tafsir, Muavvizateyn, 3365) Islam is not the name of the religion that started with Prophet Muhammad, but it is the name of the religion that started with Adam. (This topic is discussed in detail in the article titled “Islam is the essence of all religions”.) Therefore, the message of Islam was revealed to people from the first human, and with the purpose of reminding the essential principles that were corrupted over time, a prophet (Nahl, 36; Ibrahim, 4) was sent to every community. Naturally, the word “Allah” was already known among the Arabs in the pre-Islamic period. One of the greatest indications of this is the name of the Prophet’s father, “Abdullah” (the servant of Allah). The polytheistic pagans who worshiped idols said, “We worship them so that they can bring us closer to Allah.” (Zumar, 3) But Allah did not approve of this, so He sent Prophet Muhammad as a prophet to the Meccan pagans and eliminated the visible face of shirk, which was the idols, and replaced it with the belief of tawhid.


The word “Allah” comes from “El-Ilah” which means “The God” in English. Therefore, Allah (El-Ilah) is a specific deity. This word is not only found in Arabic, but also in other Semitic languages such as Hebrew where the word “Elohim” (God) has the same root. Similarly, the Aramaic language, which was the native language of Jesus, also has the same word with the same pronunciation as the Arabic word “Ilah”. (DIB Islamic Encyclopedia, II/471; Bülent Tatlıcan, There is no contradiction in the Quran, p. 46)


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Yazar: MuratS

Gezgin, Allah aşığı, varlık bilim genel ilgi alanı- Bilim Yazarı

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